The Authority prefers to work from electronic (scanned) versions of your applications being emailed to the Registrar. Please ensure all forms are completed thoroughly and plans are professionally drawn, and include all details as per the accompanying form. Ensure you only use the most current versions of forms, as they appear on the website. Any applications lodged on earlier versions will be rejected.
AAT Application for Approval of a Trust
ABC Application for Approval and Issue of an Eligibility Certificate for a Body Corporate
ACA Advice of Completion of Alterations to Premises
CBC Application for Approval to Make Changes to a Body Corporate – Directors or Shareholders
CO Application for Approval of Change of Ownership of a Registered Pharmacy
CT Application for Approval of Changes to an Approved Trust
DOC Declaration of Completion of New Pharmacy Premises and Intention to Commence Trading Advice
ECI Application for Issue of an Eligibility Certificate – Individual or Individual as Trustee
PA Application for Approval for Alterations to a Pharmacy Premises
PC Notification of Closure of a Pharmacy
PE Application for Exemption from Premises Registration Requirements
PNC Advice of Pharmacy Name Change
PNR Application for Approval and registration of a New or Relocating Pharmacy Business Premises
PV Application for Assessment of a Vaccination Area in a Pharmacy Business premises
CCSIF Complex Compounding Self Inspection Form
Useful Documents
Limited Supply Notice (must be displayed in pharmacies without a s90 approval)